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The Cross Country Course


90 Acres of Cross Country Bliss

Big Sky Horse Park’s cross country course includes Smurf, Beginner-Novice, Novice, Training and Modified Training levels. All users must have an annual cross country pass or pay the day use fee + day use cross country fee to school. Click here to purchase.


Current Condition as of 4/14/2024

The course is currently jumpable but has not yet been prepared for the season so there may be holes, rocks, or other hazards. Please use caution and double check all pathways and takeoff/landing areas around jumps before jumping. The water complex will be getting work done starting 4/15 and will be closed until approximately 5/18. 


Riders using the course must wear an ASTM approved helmet and have at least one other rider or ground person present with a cell phone. Protective vests are highly recommended when riding the cross-country course and mandatory at all Park sponsored cross-country events. Marked and unmarked hazards exist. Please stay on designated trails.



Use of the course is $15 per day for members, or  $30 per day for non-members ($15 course pass plus the $15 day use fee). Annual unlimited cross country-course pass is $75 in addition to an annual membership fee. Fees can be paid on-line (see link below) or forms may be downloaded and mailed to MHC PO Box 3841 Missoula, MT 59806.


The Park hosts 2 Flying Colors Mini Events each year. These one day events include dressage, cross country and showjumping all in one show. The course will be closed to non-event riders and other users during and immediately prior to cross-country events, which are all listed on the Park's event calendar.

Smurf XC September 2021.jpg

Smurf Course

Course has 12 jumps, up to 18″ in height, with White numbers on Purple background. Course distance is 675 meters and optimum time is 5 minutes.

Beginner-Novice XC September 2021.jpg

Beginner Novice Course

Course has 17 jumps, up to 2’7″, with Black numbers on Yellow background. Course distance is 1,950 meters and optimum time is 6 minutes.


Novice Course

Course has 19 jumps, up to 2’11”, with Black numbers on White background. Course distance is 2,006 meters and optimum time is 5 minutes 20 seconds.

Training XC June 2021.jpg

Training Course

Course has 21 jumps (23 efforts), up to 3’3″, with White numbers on Black background. Course distance is 2,100 meters and optimum time is 5 minutes 15 seconds

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Modified Course

Course has 23 jumps (28 efforts), up to 3’6″, with orange numbers on a blue background. Course distance is 2200 meters and optimum times is 4 minutes and 45 seconds.

Need to add an annual cross country pass to your membership?

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